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Girl Was attacked By Shark

Mr. Jamie Olsson posted pictures of her injuries daughter on Facebook from Gosford Hospital this morning showing a large gash to her calf and a puncture wound to her foot.
The young girl surfer is linked to Rip Curl and has multiple junior titles.
she will have to undergo series surgery  this afternoon after speaking to the media camped outside hospital.
The girl was surfing about 10-15m from the shore when she was bitten on the left ankle.
Surf Life Saving duty officer Matt Slattery said Kirra-belle was treated at the scene by friends or bystanders and an ambulance was called but later stood down as she was conveyed to hospital in a private vehicle.

A source said Gosford City Council life guards have made an announcement over speakers that, on advice from police, the beach will be closed for the next 24 hours.

“Life Guards will patrol the area and the Lifesaver 1 helicopter will be brought up from Sydney,” Mr Slattery said.
He said there had been a lot of marine activity at Avoca following days of big swell.
“It’s just stirred everything up,” he said.
Surfers have reported seeing a “whale-like” fin and described the water as smelling “baity” after a 13-year-old girl was bitten on the ankle by a 1m shark at Avoca Beach this morning.
Local surfer Chris Moser said he paddled out about 6.30am not long after the girl was bitten and saw a fin, which he believed was too big to be that of the shark responsible for the attack.

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